Reflexology is a deep relaxing treatment that has so many wonderful benefits. Reflexology is a non-intrusive holistic therapy that works by applying pressure to stimulate the reflex points of the feet that correspond to specific areas throughout the body. When we become imbalanced, our energy centre in the body becomes blocked, and this can cause problems relating to our health. Reflexology can help to release the blocked energy, allowing us to feel more balanced. The treatment is known to eliminate toxins from the body, aid relaxation, and promote health and well-being. Reflexology may be beneficial for the following conditions:
Swedish body massage is a popular therapeutic technique that focuses on promoting relaxation and enhancing overall well-being. Developed in the early 19th century by Swedish physiologist Johan Georg Mezger, this massage method utilises a combination of gentle to moderate pressure, long strokes, kneading, circular movements, and tapping. The primary goal is to stimulate blood circulation, relieve tension, and promote relaxation throughout the body.
Swedish body massage is an excellent choice for anyone seeking relaxation, relief from stress, or rehabilitation from physical discomfort. Whether you’re new to massage or a seasoned recipient, this technique offers a multitude of benefits that cater to physical and mental well-being. Experience the calming effects of Swedish massage today and take a step towards a healthier, more balanced life.
Benefits of Swedish Body Massage:
Reiki is an alternative therapy that was developed in Japan in 1922 by Mikao Usui. Its principle is based on qi (chi), which is known as the universal life force (energy) that flows within the physical body through pathways called chakras, meridians, and nadis. It also flows around us in our energy field, known as the aura. The chakra system can become blocked preventing energy from flowing properly. This causes us to become imbalanced, and we experience all kinds of health problems. Reiki is a non-invasive technique that uses the hands to channel positive energy to the affected areas that need clearing of any negative energy. Reiki is thoroughly relaxing and promotes balance in the body, mind, and spirit. Reiki can also be done at a distance, as time and space are not important when it comes to energy healing.
'Champissage', also known as Indian head massage is an ancient Ayurevedic therapy that helps with a variety of health issues. The treatment is carried out in a chair and involves using oil to massage and apply pressure to points on the upper back, shoulders, arms, neck, head, and face. This deep relaxing massage has a number of amazing benefits for the body, mind, and soul.
Benefits of Indian Head Massage:
Meditation can help to relax and rebalance the mind, body, and soul, improving our overall health and well-being. Below is a list of just some of the amazing benefits of practicing meditation regularly:
Online or in person meditation sessions
This 1-hour one-on-one session can be done online (via Zoom) or in person, depending on location. Using guided meditation, energy healing, and breathing techniques, I will help you relax and rebalance so you can feel calm and grounded. Meditation has many benefits for the body, mind, and soul and can be life-changing.
This is a course of 5 x 1-hour one-on-one sessions designed to teach you how to meditate, become more conscious of living in the present moment, and generally help you become more relaxed, grounded, and aligned with your inner self and intuition.
Group session courses are available via Zoom, where you can relax in the comfort of your own home (you can even sit in your pajamas if you feel more comfortable). In this 45-minute session, I will guide you in to a meditation to help you relax, rebalance, and feel calmer in your daily life. Please contact me for more details about classes.
Please contact me directly for corporate events.
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